Monday 3 June 2013

Exit Facebook, Enter Blogging

I QUIT facebook this past Friday after been on that social network for over three years.

I have a number of reasons why I chose to leave facebook. Over the recent past, facebook seem to have frozen in time and I was least surprised when a recent Pew Internet study revealed young people are tired of Facebook. Like someone has correctly observed, facebook has simply become a small place for people with small ideas.

I also hate the way the English language is becoming debased on facebook. Not that my english grammar is perfect, but I feel those who choose to use english as a medium of communication must write correctly, or endeavor to.

For someone who has a passion to enrich their english vocabulary, I couldn't stand the unsettling bad grammar, and deliberate misspellings on facebook.

So, blogging is pretty much my next chapter after facebook. To be honest, I find blogging quite challenging and intimidating. In a life of constant struggle, I've gotten myself this far on raw talent.

And though I've been writing since my junior high, half of the stuff I've written has been for my own reading pleasure.

But blogging is different. With blogging, I'm finally putting my baby out there. And I'm asking, "How do you feel about my baby? Is it ugly or beautiful?" And I'm sure a lot of folks out there will let me know.

It is every writer's fear to be criticized and I'm sure I'll get a lot criticism but I'm ready for it. I believe that which cannot kill me can only make me stronger.

Moreover, writing is a joy to me and I can't live without it. I have found writing as a way for me to release pain. I find it therapeutic to put my feelings onto paper than talking about them.

That need of putting thoughts and feelings onto paper has always been with me. And I wouldn't want it to go away because sooner or later, it is film, music and poetry that move people.

Writers, in my book are the heroes of the world. Besides informing and educating us, they articulate things we feel but don't know how to express. It is my desire to impact the world with words.


  1. Brilliant, prince!! Go with your strength! This is a much bigger canvas on which your creative thoughts and words can be exhibited! I'm anxiously awaiting your topics and thanks for the invitation to share this journey with you! Blessings

    1. THANK you for your sentiments. Your kind words are highly appreciated. And blessings to you too.
