Monday 7 April 2014

End Of An Era

DROPPED jaws and stunned faces characterised the Mercedes-Benz Superdome for WrestleMania XXX when the unthinkable happened on The Grandest Stage of Them All Sunday night: Brock Lesnar attained the Holy Grail of WrestleMania feats and ended The Streak.

I'm quite upset and still in shock. And it's not the fact that The Undertaker lost that upsets most. It's who he lost to.

Brock isn't a wrestler. He is a part timer, and him breaking the streak is a direct disrespect to the likes of Kane, Triple H, Shawn Michaels and CM Punk among others.

And I don't care whether Brock Lesnar is "The Beast Incarnate". To have a once a month wrestling piece of stool like Brock Lesnar defeat The Undertaker was about the most disgraceful way to end the streak.

If that was going to happen then it should have been done by a wrestler who has been there and devoted their time to WWE and who wrestles every week.

The Authority could have got any wrestler and I mean anyone but Lesnar to break the streak!

The streak has been so instrumental in giving WrestleMania that intriguing component that the WWE Universe has been having for this Pay Per View.

This WrestleMania would have gone down in history as the greatest of all time for the fact that Daniel Bryan and The Yes Movement finally had their dream come true.

But no one is going to really remember WrestleMania 30 for Daniel Bryan overcoming the odds and finally having his moment.

People will remember WrestleMania 30 for The Undertakers streak ending and the stunned and shocked looks on everyone's faces as it ended.

I made a promise that if The Authority allow Brock Lesnar defeat The Undertaker at WrestleMania, I quit watching wrestling altogether. I'm not going back on that promise.

Yes, I've been a wrestling fan if not addict since the early 90's. Being a long term wrestling fan and seeing this sport flourish in the 90's and Taker being "The Man", I'll be upset and frustrated for quite some time. I don't think I will enjoy wrestling like I've always done.

I feel WWE should have allowed The Deadman retire a winner. How pathetic of WWE to end an era like that. On Sunday April 6, 2014, WWE screwed WWE Universe. Professional wrestling just died on Sunday night.

And with that said, I have officially resigned from watching WWE.

Long live The Undertaker. Long live Deadman and Rest In Peace WWE!!!

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