Monday 12 October 2015


ZIMBABWE has announced that it has abandoned its bid to press charges against a US dentist who killed Cecil the lion, saying his papers "were in order" and that he did not know he was committing any offence. I don't know what is going on in Zimbabwe. That country seems to be driven by very dark forces. Something has to be done at international level to stop the brutal killings, torture and abuse of animals by these serial killers like Walter Palmer. That is a crime against humanity. In this day and age, why do we need to hunt for sport? As human beings, we need to go above our egocentric and self-absorbed needs for unnecessary killing of animals. If that sorry excuse for a man has $50,000 or Euros to throw around, why not give it to a charitable cause? That dentist, or whatever he is, exemplifies what is wrong with the world. Maybe Palmer's papers WERE in order. However, I don't feel that trophy hunting is ethical by any stretch of the imagination. Palmer says he "thought everything was in order". I don't believe him, since he lied years ago about "legally" shooting a bear. I still hope his practice has suffered because of the outrage. There are many who disagree, I'm sure. But that's the way I feel.

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